I am what I am
White, brown, black or yellow… it doesn’t matter
The color of my skin won’t unfold the true me.
You will never find out how good or bad I can be
Unless you’ll see through me
I am what I am
Asian, American, African or European… it doesn’t matter
My race or nationality serves no purpose
If the reason for my existence is to make a difference
And not to be different
I am what I am
Muslim, Catholic, Buddhist, or Mormons… it doesn’t matter
My faith is not your faith… My beliefs are not your beliefs…
Peace is what we all seek…For that…
Respect is what I need… and what I give you…
I am what I am
Tall, medium, large, or small… it doesn’t matter
For I will never let my structure hold me back
Don’t look down on me coz I will break the glass ceiling,
Reach for my goal and rise up from the crowd…
I am what I am
Grey, blue, brown or dark… it doesn’t matter
The color of your eyes makes you no better than I am
My ability to look back, see the present, and envision the future
Is what will make me better than you are…